
This email is for us all, especially when we just don't feel up to doing... anything

Wow, we are midway through August already and the summer is going to be ending soon! Can someone tell me where July even went…amirite? It was spent doing a lot of amazing bonding with family and healing with time and rest. Still, at this point in the message, I might feel guilty that I have not been building a grand business to serve others… I will not.

It's okay that I have not been at my best these past several months. It is also okay when you're working hard and there come times in your life where you just are NOT up to it. Guess what? That's kind of the way life happens sometimes. Whether you have an illness that starts striking at the last minute, like I did, or just feel a bit overwhelmed, tell yourself to be calm and give yourself some actual credit!

Know also that, there are supposed to be bumps in the road. Your strength can’t really be validated without being tested!

Speaking of validation - this week’s blog post compares validation and affirmation, and notes how helpful affirmations can be when you really don’t feel up to it - body or mind.

I do feel better, and practice affirming my strength and my vision for healing daily with apps and creativity. Continued movement and healthy foods are also a big way for me to remain on the journey of healing. So, overall, I am doing my best. As today is National Relexation Day in the US, I will most certainly be spending the day celebrating with rest and rejuvenation (btw, how do you rest either your mind, body, or both??)

I would love to hear from you. Have there been days where you just couldn't deal? What have you noticed from those days and how they are different from the days when you are pumped full of “sauce”?? How can you make more of those awesome days? How will you be celebrating NRD - today, tomorrow, or for days to come?? Tell me! This is for us to connect and love on each other.

I would also love to know what you would like to hear from me on the blog and through these messages. Advice, inspiration, thoughts? Feedback would be most appreciated. One idea is how I have been detoxing from social and the amazing insights and rest it has given me.

Lake picture

(It's been a while since I've been to the water, even across the street... time for more healing there!)


May new habits and even goals coming true lead to unspeakable and unsurpassable joy!!




Much Love, Peace, and Joy!

  • Kristen E.G.

Though I have been detoxing, there are still reels and videos on my ig that may be insightful for you or a loved one. Check it out here!

Kristen Guest