Hi Kristen,

How do new beginnings benefit our joy? What is the spiritual meaning of the new moon and what can we do with this energy to hone our joy and a better way of living?

What is joy actually about? Starting over? Going strong? It's all about the mindset, the act of healing our minds, AND the forward motion that we bring to any situation. Yes, you may be in a terrible, even painful situation, but the activation of joy means you know you are coming out the other side. Okay, okay, the situation is so abominable and you want out... now! You can't stand it, it's really ticking you off.

Aaaaaaand, you have joy in your heart, which always tends to make the painful and sucky situations a little bit less so. Both can actually be true.

I will be sending an email with a bit more on how I actually activate joy... examples anyone?

But today is about the new moon that happened on Friday, April 1st. The new moon is the beginning of the lunar phase for a particular time period (for us a month) and shows the moon completely covered with maybe a sliver showing, depending on the location of the sun on the other side of the moon. The new moon is dark because the sun is illuminating the OTHER side of the moon (cheeky little thing, huh? 🤠).

The new moon is a powerful representation of what happens when it doesn’t LOOK like you might see the light again. The other side-person-group is getting light and here we are, stuck in the dark... again. Joy reminds us - even in the midst of healing - that comparison is not what makes us shine... it is the realization that the sun WILL illuminate the moon-us-the situation again and we will be made new. Too woo-woo for you? Our emotional and mental healing strategies, understandings, and actions are backed by science, along with deeper understanding of self. More to come as we take this continued journey together.


Of course, a new moon signals new beginnings, a time to refresh. Did you have goals for the new year, that seemed to wash away with January? let's start again. Some ideas for starting afresh are:

  • writing down (old or new) intentions
  • choosing an affirmation
  • creating a sacred space that is just for you and a place to do what you deem sacred, blessed
  • mindbodygreen and contributors also suggest a new moon refresher bath with essential oils and lit candles

You could also simply start again with your goals, tweaking them in a way that you believe will work better for you and for what you are envisioning.

Have you thought about the new moon and what it means for you, with joy, and how to begin again in that area? How about creating and investing in new beginnings? Let me know! I would love to hear from you.

Joy depends on making decisions and starting afresh when you just didn't have it in you the first time. Let's do it!

Love, Peace, and Joy Always,



What’s New?

  • Blogging Again!

My blog is coming back! Name and location to be announced. Just like the new moon, this newsletter is signaling new beginnings for me... hang in there with me!

  • The Pivot

There is always an opportunity to change and grow. As I continue moving forward, I seek to pivot my message just a little. Keep an eye out for next month’s newsletter to learn more!

  • Who Needs This?

Do you know anyone with a chronic illness or trouble handling transitions that might need a few tidbits on emotional health and wellness? Introduce us or simply forward this email. There is so much we can get from simply tuning in to messages of support and guidance. Give and receive at the same time! Thanks in advance!

Kristen Guest