Hello Friend,
The power of moving forward...
It has been a journey to healing I have trekked for many years at this point. The question has always been: why do I keep going?
I continue to write as a healing practice, some of which goes into my blog here. AND, let me give you some ways I continue to access that specific type of motivation:

1) Gratitude for the ways I continue to be supported by wisdom, grace, and affirmation through my environment and other relational systems
2) Joy (of course) that not only took some work to sustain, but also that now allows for more substantial gains and mindset shifts than without it
3) Freedom through the pain that sought to pull me down in more ways than the physical does
4) Faith in the One who heals, restores, and has something for me on the other side of not only life, but each of the obstacles I face.
5) Purpose in my pursuit of healing and guiding others in the journey that makes all of it more worth it than not (yep, ALL of it). I learn so much every day and that has always been something I revel in.
Would you like me to explain these perspectives further in the blog?
If this should be a topic further depicted in the blog, then I will need to see some responses! Email me back :-)
Until then... Joy, Love, and Deuces!
- Kris