We all have fears. We all have ways to increase joy…

Lately, I’ve been gripped by fear. Fear of things not working out; things not being “right” - timing, actions, income, etc.
I think, sometimes, with great trepidation, about my own vision for my future and that of my family.
I also think about my hope for others.
Because I have lived with a diagnosis just about my entire life, I have been asked many times throughout my life to speak with friends and strangers alike when they have also been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
Back then, it was expected I would discuss more what it’s like living with pain and hardship while staying positive (since most people saw me with a smile outside).
Now, I realize that it is more about joy, ease, and living in a way that doesn’t allow for us to settle, but to thrive.
The thing is, “thriving” is a relative term. It’s not going to look the same for anyone. It will, however, have the same definition. Thriving is living in a way that allows you to be content.
Is that energy? an income that is satisfying for you and your life? a positive relationship with a loved one? All of the above? You get to decide; and it changes as you grow and change yourself.
Okay, back to the fear.
I noted last month that my content would be changing… I’ve realized that I’ve had the fear a lot of writers and entrepreneurs tend to have: if I make my niche or topic too specific, how will anyone who actually needs me really find me or my writing? “Niching down” is really meant to create more alignment and focus with self and others. Still, I’ve had the fear of losing readers… of losing you!
On one hand, why does this even matter? Of all the world’s problems - of all my problems - what is gaining or keeping readers going to do for me?
Well… true. AND - it’s less about what it can do for me specifically, and more about what it - my writing - can simply DO. I am called to promote and cultivate healing that is already sourced for the world. I find that this is more probable for me to do through my writing. So here I am, continuing, trudging along.
So, you know that phrase ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’? Yeah, that’s where I am.

Therefore, this is what I will be doing:
As time and energy is managed, I will be tweaking my content just a bit. Of course, I’m still focusing on joy and taking care of self… and it will be more concentrated on doing all of this with chronic illness - in the ways I have found most allowed me and others to thrive.
Working through transitions and barriers is important, and when you are physically and-or mentally struggling from the symptoms of your diagnosis, the barrier becomes greater.

Osprey has the right idea! Sun behind me and my path before me! 
For now, my newsletter in your inbox will align with any new blog posts. As what I do or offer increases, so will the content.

As you read the monthly emails, note whether you feel you are getting what you need. If so, wonderful! Keep on reading! If not, feel free to unsubscribe. I once again ask, though, that if you do, think of someone you know who could use some encouragement and direction navigating their journey with chronic illness. Trust me, with the pervasive nature of illness and disease in our world today, you know someone who could use the support.
Thank you - for me and for them…

Sending love, peace, and joy for this new year... and lots of blessings!
- Kris

Kristen Guest